1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428
//! SDK for working with [Cubist] projects.
//! # Background
//! Cubist makes it easy to develop **cross-chain** dApps by making them
//! look and feel like single-chain dApps.
//! A user writes contracts as if they were all going to be deployed
//! on the same chain. For example, one contract may directly call a
//! method on another contract, as if they were on the same chain
//! (even though they will not be).
//! Next, the user provides a [configuration][CubistConfig] file,
//! where, among other things, the user assigns each contract source
//! file to a single chain.
//! Finally, to compile such a cross-chain dApp, for each chain from
//! the config file Cubist generates (behind the scenes) a separate
//! "target project", i.e., a standard single-chain project amenable
//! to existing web3 tooling. To facilitate cross-chain
//! interactions[^xchain-deps] between contracts, however, Cubist
//! generates (again, behind the scenes, without requiring any user
//! interaction) a **shim** contract for every cross-chain callee
//! contract and places it in the target project for the chain on
//! which that contract is called[^relayer].
//! # Example
//! Consider the following extremely simple multi-chain storage dApp
//! consisting of two contracts:
//! - `Receiver`, which exposes a simple interface for storing a number,
//! ```solidity
//! contract Receiver {
//! uint256 _number;
//! function store(uint256 num) public {
//! _number = num;
//! }
//! function retrieve() public view returns (uint256) {
//! return _number;
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! - `Sender`, which exposes the same interface but it stores a given number
//! in two contracts: itself and an instance of `Receiver`.
//! ```solidity
//! import './Receiver.sol';
//! contract Sender {
//! Receiver _receiver;
//! uint256 _number;
//! constructor (Receiver addr) {
//! _receiver = addr;
//! }
//! function store(uint256 num) public {
//! _number = num;
//! _receiver.store(_number);
//! }
//! function retrieve() public view returns (uint256) {
//! return _number;
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! Let's also assume that we want the `Receiver` contract deployed on
//! [Ethereum] and the `Sender` contract deployed on
//! [Polygon][^ref-config].
//! When instructed to build this dApp (e.g., by a user running
//! `cubist build` from the command line), Cubist generates two target
//! projects, one for each chain:
//! - the [Ethereum] project contains only the `Receiver` contract
//! (unchanged),
//! - the [Polygon] project contains the `Sender` contract (unchanged)
//! as well as an automatically generated `Receiver` shim contract;
//! the shim contract has exactly the same interface as the original
//! receiver contract (so that `Sender` can remain unchanged). The
//! key difference, however, is that the shim contract's `store`
//! method now only generates an event (containing the method argument
//! in its field). This event is automatically picked up by the
//! relayer and relayed to the original `Receiver` contract deployed
//! on [Ethereum].
//! Once Cubist has created the shims in each target project, it
//! individually builds each target project using a native contract
//! compiler (currently, `solc` is the only supported compiler for
//! contracts written in [Solidity]).
//! Once the contracts are compiled, we still need to write an app to
//! interact with them (e.g., deploy them, invoke methods, run tests,
//! etc.). For apps written in Rust, this SDK provides the necessary
//! abstractions.
//! # API
//! This crate exposes a number of abstractions for interacting with a
//! Cubist project:
//! - [CubistInfo] contains metadata about a Cubist dApp, e.g.,
//! - which contracts target which chains (e.g., `Receiver` targets [Ethereum]
//! and `Sender` targets [Polygon]),
//! - which contracts have shims on which chains (e.g., only `Receiver` has a shim on [Polygon])
//! - general project [configuration][CubistConfig], etc.
//! - [TargetProjectInfo] contains metadata about a single-chain target project, e.g.,
//! its target chain, compiler settings, chain endpoint configuration, etc.
//! - [ContractInfo] contains metadata about a single contract, e.g., full name,
//! source code information, ABI, and compiled bytecode.
//! To communicate and interact with an actual on-chain endpoint node, those
//! abstractions must first be instantiated with a concrete middleware
//! (either [Http] or [Ws]), i.e.,
//! - [`Cubist<M>`] is a grouping of instantiated target projects and
//! contracts. Within this grouping, each contract may be deployed
//! at most once (i.e., [`Contract<M>::deploy`] is idempotent). When
//! multiple deployments per contract are needed, multiple [`Cubist<M>`]
//! instances may be created within the same app.
//! - [`TargetProject<M>`] is a wrapper around [TargetProjectInfo] which
//! additionally contains an [ethers provider] used to talk to the
//! chain endpoint
//! - [`Contract<M>`] is a wrapper around [`ContractInfo`] which can additionally
//! be deployed; once deployed, its methods may be called via [send][contract-send]
//! or [call][contract-call][^deploy-factory]
//! # API Examples
//! ## Instantiate [`Cubist<M>`] for a given dApp
//! ```
//! use cubist_sdk::*;
//! use cubist_config::Config;
//! async {
//! // expects to find 'cubist-config.json' in any of the parent folders
//! let cfg = || Config::nearest().expect("cubist-config.json not found");
//! // create a Cubist instance over HTTP
//! let cubist_http = Cubist::<Http>::new(cfg()).await.unwrap();
//! // create a cubist instance over WebSockets
//! let cubist_ws = Cubist::<Ws>::new(cfg()).await.unwrap();
//! // create an un-instantiated (not connected to the endpoint) 'CubistInfo' instance
//! let cubist = CubistInfo::new(cfg()).unwrap();
//! };
//! ```
//! ## Deploy `Sender` and `Receiver` contracts then call `store`
//! ```
//! use cubist_sdk::*;
//! use cubist_config::Config;
//! use ethers::types::U256;
//! async {
//! // expects to find 'cubist-config.json' in any of the parent folders
//! let cfg = || Config::nearest().expect("cubist-config.json not found");
//! // create a Cubist instance over HTTP
//! let cubist = Cubist::<Http>::new(cfg()).await.unwrap();
//! // find contracts by their names
//! let receiver = cubist.contract("Receiver").expect("Contract 'Receiver' not found");
//! let sender = cubist.contract("Sender").expect("Contract 'Sender' not found");
//! // deploy first 'Receiver' then 'Sender'
//! receiver.deploy(()).await.unwrap();
//! sender.deploy(receiver.address_on(sender.target())).await.unwrap();
//! // call 'store' on the sender
//! let val = U256::from(123);
//! sender.send("store", val).await.unwrap();
//! // call 'retrieve' on both 'Sender' and 'Receiver'
//! assert_eq!(val, sender.call("retrieve", ()).await.unwrap());
//! // if the relayer is running, it will automatically propagate the value to 'Receiver'
//! tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)).await;
//! assert_eq!(val, receiver.call("retrieve", ()).await.unwrap());
//! };
//! ```
//! ## Load already deployed contracts from existing deployment receipts
//! ```
//! use cubist_sdk::*;
//! use cubist_config::Config;
//! use ethers::types::U256;
//! async {
//! // expects to find 'cubist-config.json' in any of the parent folders
//! let cfg = || Config::nearest().expect("cubist-config.json not found");
//! // create a Cubist instance over HTTP
//! let cubist = Cubist::<Http>::new(cfg()).await.unwrap();
//! // find contracts by their names
//! let receiver = cubist.contract("Receiver").expect("Contract 'Receiver' not found");
//! let sender = cubist.contract("Sender").expect("Contract 'Sender' not found");
//! // if 'Receiver' and 'Sender' were previously deployed using Cubist, and the deployment
//! // receipts are still on disk (in 'deploy' directory, by default), we can reload just them
//! receiver.deployed().await.unwrap();
//! sender.deployed().await.unwrap();
//! // call 'store' on the sender
//! let val = U256::from(123);
//! sender.send("store", val).await.unwrap();
//! // call 'retrieve' on both 'Sender' and 'Receiver'
//! assert_eq!(val, sender.call("retrieve", ()).await.unwrap());
//! // if the relayer is running, it will automatically propagate the value to 'Receiver'
//! tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)).await;
//! assert_eq!(val, receiver.call("retrieve", ()).await.unwrap());
//! };
//! ```
//! [Cubist]: https://cubist.dev
//! [Solidity]: https://soliditylang.org/
//! [Ethereum]: cubist_config::Target::Ethereum
//! [Polygon]: cubist_config::Target::Polygon
//! [CubistConfig]: cubist_config::Config
//! [contract-send]: Contract<M>::send
//! [contract-call]: Contract<M>::call
//! [contract-deploy]: Contract<M>::deploy
//! [ethers provider]: ethers::providers::Provider<M>
//! [^xchain-deps]: Cubist automatically discovers all cross-chain
//! dependencies by statically analyzing the contract source files.
//! [^relayer]: A separate component, called **relayer**, continuously
//! monitors events triggered by shim contracts and automatically
//! relays them to their final destinations.
//! [^ref-config]: Refer to [cubist_config::Config] for details on how
//! to configure a Cubist dApp and assign contracts to different
//! chains.
//! [^deploy-factory]: The current [`Contract<M>`] API is somewhat weird
//! in that it is stateful, i.e., that some methods (like
//! [send][contract-send] and [call][contract-call]) may only be
//! called after [deploy][contract-deploy]. This is subject to
//! change! The [`Contract<M>`] type will likely be decoupled into
//! "ContractFactory" and "Contract".
use crate::core::{HttpStack, WsStack};
use cubist_config::secret::SecretUrl;
use cubist_config::{paths::ContractFQN, ConfigError, Target};
use ethers::types::ParseBytesError;
use solang_parser::diagnostics::Diagnostic;
use std::io;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use thiserror::Error;
/// Contract and project management data structures.
pub mod core;
/// The interface (shim) contract generator.
pub mod gen;
/// Utilities for parsing contract files
pub mod parse;
/// Module for analyzing contracts.
mod analyze;
/// Handlers for different compilers (e.g., solc, solang, etc.)
mod target_handler;
/// Type alias for middleware stack over HTTP
pub type Http = HttpStack;
/// Type alias for middleware stack over Web Sockets
pub type Ws = WsStack;
/// Re-export some very commonly used types.
pub use crate::core::{
Contract, ContractInfo, Cubist, CubistInfo, TargetProject, TargetProjectInfo,
/// Custom error type wrapping various third-party errors
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum WrapperError {
SolcError(#[from] ethers_solc::error::SolcError),
#[error("IO error for path {0}")]
IOError(PathBuf, #[source] std::io::Error),
#[error("Error deserializing JSON from file '{0}' into '{1}' type")]
JsonError(PathBuf, String, #[source] serde_json::Error),
UrlError(#[from] url::ParseError),
AbiError(#[from] ethers::abi::Error),
ContractAbiError(#[from] ethers::contract::AbiError),
#[error("ProviderError when calling '{0}': {1}")]
ProviderError(String, String),
ParseBytesError(#[from] ParseBytesError),
ConfigError(#[from] cubist_config::ConfigError),
/// Errors raised by this crate.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum CubistSdkError {
/// Error raised when a requested target is not found in the Cubist config.
#[error("Target {0} not found in Cubist config")]
/// Error raised when no compilation manifest is found.
"Error reading compilation manifest for target '{0}'. Did you run 'cubist pre-compile'?"
MissingManifest(Target, #[source] ConfigError),
/// Error raised when network configuration is missing for target
#[error("Network configuration missing for target '{0}'")]
/// Error raised when a compiled contract cannot be loaded.
#[error("Failed to parse contract artifact {0}.\nReason: {1}")]
ParseContractError(PathBuf, String, #[source] Option<WrapperError>),
/// Error raised when artifacts directory cannot be read.
#[error("Failed to read artifacts directory {0}.\nDid you run 'cubist build'?")]
NoArtifactsDir(PathBuf, #[source] WrapperError),
/// Error raised when loading bridge file fails
#[error("Failed to load bridge for contract {0} (from bridge file {1})")]
LoadBridgeError(ContractFQN, PathBuf, #[source] WrapperError),
/// Error raised when a compilation fails.
#[error("Error compiling {0}: {1}")]
CompileError(PathBuf, String, #[source] Option<WrapperError>),
/// Error raised when cleaning build directory fails
#[error("Error cleaning project build directory {0}")]
CleanError(PathBuf, #[source] WrapperError),
/// Error raised when creating a deployer fails.
#[error("Failed to connect to target '{0}' at {1}")]
CreateClientError(Target, SecretUrl, #[source] Option<WrapperError>),
/// Error raised when deployment fails.
#[error("Error deploying contract '{0}' to {1}. Reason: {2}")]
DeployError(ContractFQN, Target, String),
/// Error raised when a contract method call fails.
#[error("Error calling '{method_name}' on contract '{contract}' on chain '{target}'")]
CallError {
/// Contract name,
contract: ContractFQN,
/// Target chain.
target: Target,
/// Method that could not be called.
method_name: String,
/// Error message
source: WrapperError,
/// Error raised when updating a shim contract's access control fails.
#[error("Failed to add '{caller_contract}' to approved callers of shim '{shim_contract}' on chain '{target}'")]
ApproveCallerError {
/// Native contract that had to be added to approved callers for the shim contract below
caller_contract: ContractFQN,
/// Shim contract whose access control had to be updated
shim_contract: ContractFQN,
/// Target chain
target: Target,
/// Error raised when a contract call is attempted before the contract has been deployed.
#[error("Contract '{contract}' not yet deployed to '{target}'")]
ContractNotDeployed {
/// Contract name,
contract: ContractFQN,
/// Target chain.
target: Target,
/// Error raised when saving deployment manifest fails
#[error("Failed to save deployment manifest to file {0}")]
SaveDeploymentManifestError(PathBuf, #[source] WrapperError),
/// Error raised when saving deployment receipt fails
#[error("Failed to save deployment receipt to file {0}")]
SaveDeploymentReceiptError(PathBuf, #[source] WrapperError),
/// Error raised when saving deployment receipt fails
#[error("Failed to deserialize deployment receipt from file {0}")]
DeserializeDeploymentReceiptError(PathBuf, #[source] WrapperError),
/// A generic error when reading a file
#[error("Error reading file {0}")]
ReadFileError(PathBuf, #[source] io::Error),
/// Failed to parse contract file
#[error("Error parsing file {0}: {1:#?}")]
ParseError(PathBuf, Vec<Diagnostic>),
/// A file contained a unicode import
#[error("Unsupported unicode import {0} in file {1}")]
UnicodeImportError(String, PathBuf),
/// An absolute path import points into the contracts root directory.
/// This is disallowed because Cubist later moves the code in the contracts root.
#[error("Import of absolute path {0} (in file {1}) pointing into contract root directory. Please use relative paths for imports pointing into the contract root dir.")]
AbsolutePathError(String, PathBuf),
/// An imported relative path points outside the contracts root, and exists in a file
/// within the contracts root. This is disallowed once again because Cubist moves the
/// code in the contracts root.
#[error("Import of relative path {0} from outside contracts root directory, from file {1} within contract root directory. Files in contract root are copied, which will break this relative import.")]
RelativePathError(String, PathBuf),
/// Couldn't canonicalize paths needed for checking for absolute and relative path errors
#[error("Unable to canonicalize relative import {0} in file {1}")]
CanonicalizationError(String, PathBuf, #[source] Option<std::io::Error>),
/// Error raised when retrieving accounts from the chain provider fails
#[error("Failed to retrieve accounts for chain '{0}': {1}")]
AccountsError(Target, String),
/// Error raised when trying to load a contract when no deployment receipts are found for it.
#[error("No deployment receipts found for contract '{0}' on target {1}")]
LoadContractNoReceipts(ContractFQN, Target),
/// Error raised when trying to load a contract when more than one deployment receipt is found for it.
#[error("More than one deployment receipt found for contract '{0}' on target {1}")]
LoadContractTooManyReceipts(ContractFQN, Target),
/// Error forwarded from Cubist localchains
LocalChainsError(#[from] cubist_localchains::error::Error),
/// Error forwarded from Cubist config
ConfigError(#[from] cubist_config::ConfigError),
/// Result with error type defaulting to [`CubistSdkError`].
pub type Result<T, E = CubistSdkError> = ::core::result::Result<T, E>;